Tuesday, May 29, 2012


definition of secularism

Introduction: Secularism is the creation of the European Renaissance, which emphasizes the opposite of this-worldly sophistication. Secularism does not include physical thinking and Meta also excluded if grounded on the eternal soul and supernatural strength. With the extension of science and technology, secularism has also become the dominant ideology in both the grazing of academic debate and responsible state plan. Even most of the country today are very interested in confirming themselves as secular and do their best to get the certificate by representatives of Western secularism. The exponent of secularism seek to separate religion from the state and politics to defuse the human life of any religion shall apply. But in practice, the proponents of secularism are much more common then the supporters of the pious practice in all spheres of human life. For example, India is regarded worldwide as a country traditionally mundane but the country is bankrupt by a common political party.

Meaning of secularism: it is very difficult to give a single definition of secularism. Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary defines 'secular' as belonging to the present world, or property are not religious. It means things that are civil, not ecclesiastical, are not about religion, is not bound by monastic rules. Oxford Advanced Dictionary defines the students 'secular' expression as something that is not about religion or business. The dictionary describes' secularism as the belief that the law, education should be based on facts, science rather than religion, etc..(to know about Micro credit)

A secular state is one that has no official ties to any movement or position at all sacred. This is a whole view of life and the visible cosmos. This estimate does not include the metaphysical thought, and thought also exclude the eternal world, soul and supernatural strength. Secularism efforts to craft the full meaning of human life with its ups and downs.
Aspects of secularism: secularism has both a subjective and an objective piece.
one. Subjective aspects of secularization involves the gradual disappearance of religious considerations, feelings and images from caring about worldly affairs, so that faith has ceased to exist as an independent power, or merely a religious concept of the transcendental. As a result, people from the experience requirement, transactions and institutions of everyday life in terms that make no reference to the heavenly.

b. The objective aspect of secularization is the process by which the offices, religious institutions and ceremonies are extruded from the community of life in education, government and legislative direction.
In addition, the secular brings with it two segments inevitable for the life of human commerce as a whole.

First, the doctrine of enforced secularism of the dilemma I guess with the state and without vagueness firmly said that religion should be separate from the state.
Secondly, the political philosophy implemented by the secularism, materialism, as distinct as idealism, that secularism is not neglected genius, but he knows the material well-being work independently, if insidiously, to control the mind.
Secularism and the relationship between state and religion: the principle of secularism resolved the issue on the relationship between state and faith. The State has nothing to do in the midst of a single person so far or she is nervous with the world's religions propagate the omnipotence of the wonderful natural force and declare to the world as eternal as the ultimate goal of super natural power and speak the world ever, as the final destination of the human being. State and faith should not outline them as their subject matter jurisdiction and is completely different.
The flowering of secular views facilitated the creation of an independent and sovereign nation state. Because of the priority of consideration due, the territory during the Middle Ages religion was established under the direction of the Christian priesthood. With the growing power of secularism, the religious has been gradually losing its dominance and left on the face of severe resentment of the people of the world have established their sovereign predictable. Over time, the division between state and religion happen and the State's responsibility is to make all sorts of earthly well-being of his people was recognized.(to know about electronic government)

Secularism and religion: There was no debate on the distributions of secularism and religious guarantee. The purpose of secularism is to improve the whole of human life from the material at home and materialist methodology. The object of the secular world is the evidence, which is detectable by human senses. Deals with the understanding that secularism is not transcendental, which could achieve with the experience and the cause which can be transcendent obscenity. On the other hand, preaches the supremacy of faith superpower usual, gives eternal relation of the world, heaven and hell that are hidden and unknown to the individual human health. Secularism has no involvement with the transcendental world. In this intelligence, religion and secularism are not only separated, but are opposed concepts.(to know about saarc)

Another dominant point of view into consideration, even if the secular and spiritual faith are distinct, but their conflict is not predictable. In this sense, secularism not be familiar with the eternal world, at the same time requires it, not deny it, supports this point of view than to say that cooperation is possible with those religious people who in spite of their faith religious are trying to make their life full of meaning through the fabric content. It 'a fact that today there is no contradiction between secularism and peaceful observance of the faith. Secularism means do not make purchases at any specific religion, but to ensure that all the religions fail forward with equal status. The state should promote not express any religion.
Conclusion: In the end, the meaning of religion is not secularism. It means secular neutrality. Secular state does not interfere with the performance of the peaceful religion. Thus, secularism should be used as a rule that does not consider spiritual influence. In this sense, secularism inspired by the mass of the group develop their secular life through material support without leaving their spiritual beliefs and activities.(to know about what is socialism)

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